Censure Statement 20/02/2020

Censure Statement made at the meeting of Gwennap Parish Council 20th February 2020

At a meeting of Gwennap Parish Council held on 20th February 2020, the Council resolved to adopt the outcomes of the Decision Notice CCN013/19/20 issued by the Monitoring Officer in respect of a breach of the Council’s Code of Conduct. Councillor Lanyon is formally censured for breaching the Code of Conduct by posting what the Council considers is a confidential email online and then by acting in a disrespectful manner towards the Clerk.

Breaches of the Code found:
2.1 You must treat other with respect
2.8 You must not disclose information given to you in confidence by anyone
2.10 – You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or the Council into disrepute
2.5 – You must not conduct yourself in a manner which is contrary to the Council’s duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members

Cllr Lanyon was instructed by the Monitoring Officer to apologise within 28 days to the developer for disclosing information provided in confidence and if he opted not to apologise to the developer it was recommended to the Parish Council that he is censured. For failing to treat the Complainant with respect it was recommended to the Parish Council that the Subject Member is censured. Cllr Lanyon has opted not to apologise to either the developer or the Clerk.

An individual Councillor’s actions and conduct will always reflect on the wider role of a Councillor and, as a direct consequence, will inevitably impact on the reputation of their fellow Councillors and the Council as a whole both generally and specifically. This Council believes that it is incumbent on all Councillors to ensure the public have confidence and trust in their elected representatives, the Council is disappointed that Cllr Lanyon’s actions are not in keeping with this belief.

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