Council Clerk Update

The Parish Council is currently operating without a Clerk. Please bear with us while we recruit a new Clerk for the important role in the Council. In the short term we will be dealing with essential business only and running a waiting list for non-urgent queries for when we have the administrative support that we need to be able to return to business as usual.

We will be holding our July monthly meeting on the 16th by Zoom. The link will be posted on our website nearer the time. Thank you for bearing with us. If you wish to report any of the following, please can we ask that you use the numbers and links below:

Potholes in roads or footways:

Road surfaces:

Hedges, verges or trees:

Fly tipping: or telephone 0300 1234141.

Dog Fouling: or telephone 0300 1234212.

If you need to report something that is causing an immediate danger or is an emergency, please call 0300 1234 222 or the emergency services.

Thank you all for your support and patience
Stay safe everyone
Chair of Gwennap Parish Council

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